Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Elly's First Slumber Party {Frozen}

So, a little over three years ago, March 2011 to be exact, Elly met her BFF Morgan:) She was 4 months old and Morgan was 2 months old. 

haha! They are both not sure at all what was going on, but it was so cute when we sat them next to each other:) (OK not going to lie, looking at them as babies is kinda making me have some baby fever!! I really need to get to the recent pictures fast haha)

This past weekend, Elly went over to have a sleepover (her very first sleepover besides at my parents) with Morgan:) Amy and I had been talking about doing this for a few months, but waited until we felt was the right time for both of them. 

I dropped Elly off around 5:30 and right after I left, they ate some pizza together:) 

Sweet Landen (Morgan's little brother) at the slumber party:)

Elly took her Easy Bake Oven over so they could bake. How cute is that with the aprons and the mini baking mitts and everything!! So girly! I love it!

Enjoying the chocolate chip cookies they made:)

After their bath! So cute!!

Makeup time!


Anna and Queen Elsa!

haha! she looks like a mini older person in this picture;)

Brushing their teeth together!:)

Watching Frozen, of course:) 

Oh, and she even make them a "Frozen" like cute and creative!!

Having fun late at night! 

How cute was the table for breakfast!? 

powdered donuts 

Sven the reindeer waffles

Olaf banana skewers 

Picking Elly up the next morning! lol it almost looks like they are crying and not ready to part ways!

Elly had a blast and made so many fun memories! 
Thank you, Amy, for having Elly over and being such a great host! So happy that Elly has such a great friendship with Morgan:) 

Thanks for reading;)

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Bike Rodeo

This past Saturday, Matt and I took Ethan and Elly to Mt. Tabor Park for their annual Bike Rodeo. I love this park so much because they are always doing free family events and they also have a ton of sports for the kids (which is cheaper than other places!)

So a few months ago when Ethan first started becoming really into riding his bike "super fast" and telling us he wanted to win the gold medal in the Olympics, I started searching for bike events for him. This was really the only thing I found that was in our area, and it was free!

It was for ages 3-10, so I signed Elly up as well! It's exciting that she's old enough now to start participating in events with Ethan:)

Elly always holds Ethan's hand when they are walking together, it's so cute:) She looks up to him so much! 

A group picture before the event started!

So excited!!

Waiting for directions after she got in the 3-5 year old group;)


Now they are in line ready to practice

After Elly and Ethan did some practice beginner stuff with the 3-5 year olds, they were asked to move up with the bigger kids and do some obstacle courses!! I was so proud since some of the other kids in the group had to stay back to keep practicing. Here is Elly her first time doing the obstacle course! They didn't even tell her what to do, she just watched the kids before her and went! So cute!!!

Then, Ethan moved up with the even bigger kids and went on trails through the woods! Elly wanted to go so bad, but they couldn't have training wheels. I had to stay at the top with Elly, but Matt watched Ethan on the trails. Here is a short video of them coming back from the trails!:) 

Have a great day!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Go Go Power Rangers {Ethan meets the Green Ranger}

Ethan went from loving things like Thomas and Friends and Jake and the Neverland Pirates, to bigger kid things such as his new found love, Power Rangers, almost overnight.

It's funny because it's bringing back memories for both Matt and me. Having two brothers, I am no stranger to Power Rangers and I always watched it with my brothers and loved the Pink Ranger;) For some odd reason, I always thought the Blue Ranger was cute haha!

This is Ethan's first Power Ranger toy...Megazord. 

Matt bought him the Morpher for his graduation present lol!

The day after he got the morpher, I found this huge frog in our yard and Ethan was trying to turn into a power ranger with it to scare the frog haha...

I mean...this thing was big...and kinda scary!

So, Matt found out that Jason David Frank, the original Green Power Ranger from Mighty Morphin was going to be in Atlanta at the Comic Con and Matt decided to take Ethan. 
Jason David Frank is also a MMA fighter and has a clothing brand called "Jesus didn't Tap" that I think is super cool:) A great role model for kids!

Ethan the day before meeting a real power ranger...he was pretty excited! 

Matt I think was way more excited haha!! He said before JDF came in, Ethan was singing and doing power ranger moves and then froze up and was really shy. (I think he was expecting him to be in the costume)

They had VIP tickets where they could meet him and have a Q&A session and then a picture and autograph signing. There were only 20 something available tickets for the VIP.
Gotta love how everyone is wearing green or power ranger stuff and then there's Matt and Ethan right in the front wearing red and Matt of course in Braves...

Ethan got this cool poster that he signed for him that is now hanging in his room! 

I thought it was so sweet of Matt to take Ethan to that and is something neither one of them will forget:)

Monday, June 2, 2014

Take Me Out To The Ballgame! {Braves @Turner Field}

So, last Sunday we dropped Ethan and Elly off at my parents' house and then we went to Matt's dad's house to go to the Braves game with them.

Ethan and Elly were very excited to go to Nana and Papaw's house that night:)

They went to their friend's pool:)

Then, Matt and I rode to Turner Field with Matt's dad, stepmom, and family friend and met a couple of his uncles and family friends there.

This was actually the first time Matt and I went to a Braves game together:)

We sat pretty close on Sunday. It did fill up a lot more, but we were there early.

Matt and me:) Matt's dad was so sweet and bought me this Braves hat;)

Then around the third inning....this is what I had to stare at for the rest of the game! I mean good grief! Why would anyone want that much hair weighing down on their head?!? haha

We had such a good time! The Braves won that game;) Then Matt's dad invited us to go to the game with them the next day (Monday Memorial Day). He is a major Boston Red Sox fan and had bought really good seats for it and said he had 4 extra and wanted us to go along with Ethan and Elly. So, of course we didn't turn that down. 

He also bought Ethan and Elly some Braves hats as well.....

Walking to our seats

So, when we got to our seats finally (we didn't make it to the game until the 3rd inning because traffic was so bad!!) We realized we were a lot higher then they had thought. Everything worked out though and we all had a great time!:)

I think Ethan was tired lol! And that lady next to Matt totally photobombed the picture!! I saw her lean forward like that when I took it, but didn't think anything of it until I was looking back at the pictures...she totally meant to do that haha!! 

Now he's happy! His uncle bought him a tomahawk! 

Elly was having so much fun!:)

I thought it was funny she help her finger up like that b/c I didn't even tell her to;) She must have seen the foam fingers;)

It was so crowded on Memorial Day. Not only because the holiday, but because the defending champions were there....and they won! 

Then, it started pouring down rain for about 45 min. and this is what we stared at the entire time. We were actually sitting under an awning, so we were able to stay in our seats, but everyone else moved up under the awning, or they moved inside. The stadium looked so empty while it was raining. 

You can't tell, but it was pouring down rain. We still managed to have some fun;)

My hubby and me:)

Me and Elly Bell!

Elly sitting on Grandpa's lap (see how empty the stadium is!)

After the game....that lasted a lot longer than expected....we all went out to eat together. Although half of them left to go back home to Orlando.

Ethan and Grandpa at dinner!

Elly at dinner with Grandpa and Grandma!

Ethan wanted cotton candy at the game, but we didn't get it, so luckily they had some at the restaurant haha!!

We had such a fun weekend spent with Matt's family and also my parents'! Ethan and Elly keep talking about how much fun they had at the game!:) Can't wait to go back!!

So thankful for all of the members of our military!! It was nice to be at the game on Memorial Day and to see all of the patriotism and honor for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom! 

Have a great weekend!!