Then, thanks to good ole' Myspace, we connected shortly after we graduated from high school. I was not sure at all what I wanted to do with my life, I was so lost at that time. I changed my mind a lot and at the time I started talking to him, I was currently talking with recruiters of all the branches of the military. I saw that he had just graduated from the Marine Corps boot camp, so at first, I was just talking to him over myspace and asking him questions, he of course said that the Marine Corps was the best lol. So, I joined! Yes, I went to MEPS and I swore in and everything. THEN, long story short, Matt and I started dating and got really serious and I decided that if we really wanted to be together, maybe the military was not the best for me. I got out and we were together.
This was Matt's profile picture from Myspace back in 2007-so handsome:)
Here we are Christmas Eve 2007-our very first picture together:)
February 2008 when I went down to NAS Pensacola to visit him while he was in MOS school:) We got matching shirts!!

In Pensacola..
This was March 2008 when he came home from finished MOS school. He had spent the last month in San Diego. I also flew out to visit him while he was there.
The day he checked in at NAS Atlanta:)
Celebrating my 19th birthday, April 2008
Celebrating his 19th birthday, one week later, April 2008
We got married after 9 months of dating at the age of 19 and have now been married for almost 5 1/2 years!
It's so crazy how the time has flown by so fast! It has definitely not been easy, but we have made it work:)
Our Wedding Day!! September 6, 2008:)
So goofy:)
Matt and me on Christmas 2013!
We are both going to be 25 in a couple months!! Can't believe it, seems like we were 18 just yesterday and here we are, 5 years of marriage with a 5 and 3 year old:) So blessed!
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