Monday, March 17, 2014


On Saturday, we went to my parents' house and spent some time there with them. They are moving, so we had our own personal garage sale to go through. We came home with a trunk full of things;) 

Matt and Elly on the porch. Matt always has one of their two dogs on his lap while we are there:) This is Elly's favorite, Ava.

Relaxing on the porch after playing in the yard. 

My parents live in a cul-de-sac with lots of kids, so Ethan loves to be able to play with all of them when we visit. 

This is Ethan and his friend Ian, the one he always talks about.:)

Running to the swing set

My grandparents, my mom, and Elly sitting on the deck. Elly was telling them a story and I walked out and she said, "Oh, there's my Kelsey" haha

Ethan stayed the night which was very spontaneous! All he had was what he was wearing, but he was having so much fun and didn't want to leave, so we let him stay and my dad brought him back Sunday morning. After we left they had dinner and went in the backyard and had a fire. My mom sent me this picture of Ethan playing the guitar. My little cutie;) 

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