Wednesday, May 28, 2014

I Have A Pre-K Graduate! firstborn! The little boy I had when I was 19 years old....just graduated from Pre-K! How does time go by so fast?!? I don't know why, but I have been an emotional wreck about it! I can't understand how he is already old enough to be a kindergartner!! Nonetheless, I am so proud of him!!

This is how Ethan graduated! Each child was called one at a time and were supposed to do a unique dance, anything they wanted, and this is what Ethan did! haha! Break dancing and what looks like power ranger moves maybe? haha! 

His teacher had fruit roll ups with a ribbon wrapped around as their diploma:) 

Eating and watching the video of pictures throughout the school year of the class:)

Getting his gift from Ms. Rachel:)

A sand bucket and shovel filled with so much love! Lots of fun things to do over the summer and things to remember the year:) I cried while looking through it with him, it was so sweet:)

Ethan and Elly:)

Elly enjoying some cake!

Ethan with a couple of his friends, Addison and Kayden:)

Aww...Ethan with his teacher, Ms. Rachel, and Elly of course....she was the class mascot since she was in the class so often;)

Where it all started....What a great year!!

I can't even believe how big he got over the year spent in Pre-K! My baby is growing so fast!!

Some cute things in the gift bucket from Ms. Rachel......

Ethan has really fallen in love with Power Rangers and it's all he talks about I thought it was so sweet his teacher bought him a Power Ranger book (that I read to him right away of course) and his favorite...the Red Ranger...because his favorite color is red;)

The gift for the sweet! I love it so much!!!

I am so excited that I have a couple months of Ethan being home for the Summer! But, I am so sad to see that Pre-K has already come to an end! and Kindergarten starts in August!!

Thanks for reading!  

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