Monday, February 24, 2014

Future Olympian!?;)

Last night was the closing ceremony of the Sochi Winter Olympics. We love watching the Olympics and wish it was longer! But, you know who really got into it? Ethan! He was so fascinated by it! He would watch it with me in the morning around 5:30-6 (whenever he decided to get up) and we would watch it until we had to start getting ready for school. He said he really wants to go skiing and snowboarding now:)

I told him that the next time the Olympics come on, it will be the Summer Olympics and he will be 7 years old and he'll be 9 years old the next time the Winter Olympics are on! (That's even crazy for me to hear!!)

He told me that he wants to be in the Olympics, he wants to win a gold medal and he wants to Cycle!! Yep, he's been talking about it for about a week. He said he will be the best bike racer ever!:) My mom said he needs to start practicing about 10 hours a day;)

That could be him one day;)

Team USA!

July 2013 Ethan learned to ride his bike without training wheels! 

Look at him go!:)

Yesterday, he was riding his bike around the neighborhood as Elly and I walked with our friends. When we were heading in, my friend told Ethan to have a good day at school and he said, "Oh, I'm not going to school, I have to practice for the Olympics!" lol!!
I love him!!

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