Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day Fun! Part 1!

So, yesterday afternoon, after most of the snow had melted, we decided to make some Valentine's cookies:) At that point, I thought Ethan was going to have school today. We found out around 7pm that school would be cancelled again today.

Ethan making heart shaped cookies:)

Elly making heart shaped cookies:)

Elly really loves her big brother:)

Ethan and Elly love baking! They had so much fun! Especially pushing the cookie cutters into the cookie dough:)

Taking the cookies to put in the oven! (I put it in the oven, too hot for them;))

Cookies are out and they are decorating them:)


This kid right here LOVES cookies...and the color red! His two favorites haha!! 

After we ate some cookies, Ethan sat down to make his Valentine's cards for his classmates. His class was going to have a card exchange and party today, so he'll still get to take everything on Monday.
I saw these Veggie Tales cards at Walmart and thought they were so cute! My kids love Veggie Tales and  love that it has a little bible verse on them to remind them that "Love comes from God!" 1 John 4:7

Elly has been really interested in doing everything that Ethan is doing. Every morning when we take Ethan to school, she asks me if we can stay. She loves it when we stay to help out with breakfast because she gets to act like she's part of the class. It's cute, until it's time to go;) 
So, when she saw Ethan writing his name on the Valentine's cards, she was super jealous. So, daddy cute her out a couple hearts so she could make her own:) So sweet!! 

She is doing so good at tracing her name already!! 

Happy Valentine's Day!! I'll do the Part 2 soon!:)

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