Saturday, February 15, 2014

Valentine's Day Part 2!

I have never really been big on Valentine's Day. We never celebrated it growing up except I do remember my mom always gave us those conversation heart things, but that was about it. Matt and I don't really do a whole lot for it either, but this year I wanted to do something a little more to have fun with it:)

Good morning, Valentine;)

So, I bought these heart cookie cutters that were different sizes and I thought I would make the food for the day into hearts, just to make it more fun:)

Ethan enjoying his heart shaped french toast and apples:)

Elly at breakfast:)

For lunch they had heart shaped peanut butter and jelly with celery sticks:)

Then, we got ready to go to Nana and Papaw's (my parents) for the night!
Ethan and Elly made them a card and cookies, since it was Valentine's Day:)

Elly at my parents' in her new jammies they gave her:)

Ethan holding up his new lego firetruck he and my dad built together:)

Silliness runs in the family;)

Ethan and Elly had such a good time, as always, with my parents! It was also so nice for Matt and me to have a night alone also. After we dropped Ethan and Elly off, we went out to dinner for sushi (what else?!? It's our go to spot anytime we are away from the kids lol!!) Then, we went home! I think we were in bed by we are such old folks! But nevertheless, it was so nice to spend time with just Matt:) 

Elly and Ethan with my mom and dad before we headed back home:)

Elly and Nana!

Ethan and Papaw!

Just a few pictures from the day:)

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