Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Kitchen Island turned Coffee Bar

Pretty much every time I go to my parents' house, I ask my mom, "Is there anything you don't need or use anymore?!" And I usually come home with at least one thing haha! The last time it was a couple candle holders I had given her for Christmas about 8 years ago that I saw in a cabinet not being used anymore.....they would be perfect at my house;)
So a few years ago, I noticed the kitchen island that we had at the old house just sitting in their basement, not being used and collecting dust. I told them that I would love to have it if they weren't going to be using it anymore. So, that Christmas it was sitting under their tree for us:) I was so excited!

Christmas 2011. My dad with Ethan(almost 3) and Elly(just turned 1) The island in the background:)

I searched all through my pictures, and this was the only one I could find of the island in my kitchen before I turned it into a coffee bar. (Elly and her friend Morgan back in 2011)

My coffee bar this past Christmas:) 

This was actually my first big project I took on (besides painting the entire house). Also my first time staining. So, I just sanded it down and stained it and then put polyurethane over top.  Sounds simple, but it took me a couple months to complete.

The mirror above the coffee bar is one of my favorite parts. It was a family friend's before she died a couple years ago from Lou Gehrig's Disease.  I had always commented on how I loved it when it was at her house, and after she died, her daughter and my mom gave it to me:) She was also our Realtor and was with us through the whole process of searching and buying our home, so it just reminds me of her every time I look at it:) Miss her!!

Another part I love is the sugar canister in the middle of the coffee maker and espresso machine and the mug holder on the top shelf. My sweet friend gave them to me and I just think it was the perfect addition to complete the look:) 

We're in the process of looking for a new coffee maker also. This one was a wedding gift, almost 6 years ago. I'm pretty excited to update it to a new one! 

Thanks for reading! Have a great day!:)

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