We had a nice weekend. I also took Ethan to our favorite jumping place, Jumpits, for a birthday party for a girl in Ethan's PreK class:) He was the only boy from the class that came, but that's ok!;)
He has a girlfriend named "Addison" and she was there. He played with her the whole time and her mom and I kept giggling at them:) On the way home, Ethan told me that Addison is his girlfriend and so is Isabel lol!!
Ignore the bottom of the swing set, I've been digging around it since we are going to put a drain in and move the swing set. It's still safe to play on, but it's such a mess. Anyway, Elly looked hilarious climbing up the rock wall the other day. She was laughing so hard while she was doing it! I know from the picture it looks like she needs help, but she was totally doing that on purpose. I think she was trying to copy the movie Frozen from the scene where Anna was trying to climb the mountain lol!!
Ethan pushing Elly around in the doll stroller. Such a good big brother!:)
Making cookies together:)
Everyday when we get Ethan from school, they run to each other and do this...:)
On Monday I had a Dentist appointment in Canton and I took Elly with me. I was so nervous about taking her with me, but I figured she would be fine sitting in the chair and I brought lots for her to do. When the Hygienist got me, she looked shocked that I brought Elly..almost a look like, "um, are you serious?" Maybe that's just my insecurities, but still. Right away I had to get some x-rays done and Elly was not allowed in there with me because of the radiation. We turned Sofia on in the room and I sat Elly in the chair and told her I would be right back and she freaked! At this point I was so embarrassed and thinking I may have to reschedule. Thankfully, someone from the front desk sat with her until the x-rays were done. After that she was completely fine and quiet while I had my normal cleaning/exam. She was actually really good and sat in the chair the entire time.
After my appointment, we drove to Woodstock to my grandparents house. My sister works for them Mon. - Fri. so Elly and I went to visit her and my grandparents and then out to lunch at their everyday spot, Wendy's lol!
Elly petting their fluffy white cat
My sister and Elly petting the fluffy white cat.
Elly telling her Great Nana a story. Lol she looks kind of nervous...and Nana looks so interested!
Elly and me:)
Oh and I accidentally locked my keys in my car when we were at Wendy's. That was the first time ever!! I called Matt about 20 times, but he was at work so didn't see my calls, and finally just decided to call a locksmith.
My sister came back after dropping my grandparents off at their house and we tried to unlock it with a coat hanger, but failed.
Long story short, the locksmith took 2 1/2 hours and charged me $187. My father-in-law got out of all of his obligations that day, went to the store to buy a car seat and drove 45 min. to get Ethan from school since I was stuck! Thank goodness for him!!
The good thing is that our insurance was covered for roadside assistance, so we are being reimbursed the $187!!
And a very Happy Happy Birthday to my dear friend, Amy!!! (on Monday!)
On another note, I registered my little boy for Kindergarten yesterday!! I can't even believe it!!
Hope everyone had a great weekend and is having a great week!