Friday, March 14, 2014

Jump, Jump, Jump Around!!

Hi everyone!
Just an update on some things we've been doing this week! Hope everyone is doing well and getting used to the time change! I am having a hard time with it, as well as Ethan and Elly! It's hard for them to continue going to bed at 7:30 when it is still light outside. Hoping next week will be better:)

Wednesday one of Elly's friends came over in the morning to play for a few hours while her dad was at the doctor with her little brother and mom was at work. They had a tea party (with water), sang every single song on Frozen (really need to get the soundtrack for Elly!), we painted nails, and I took them on a walk.  Oh, and played dress up. Typical girls;)

Then Elly brought a stool over and stood on it and just started singing for us.....never gets old haha!! 

On Thursday we met up with our good friends at Jumpits! (Elly posing for the camera before we left!)

My friend Amy and her sweet daughter, Morgan!:)

Me with the girls...just love these two!:)

Elly and her BFF Morgan:)

Morgan, Landen, and Elly before we left!

Sweet Landen and Elly bouncing:)

Ethan has always enjoyed coloring and he does it just about everyday, but lately he has started drawing! It is so cute! This is one he drew of a tree, a building, a house and him and his "best friend Ian":)

Obviously I love coffee, but I am always trying new brands and new flavors. Between Matt and me, we go through an entire bag this size in one week. Anyway, this is one of my favorites!! At Kroger it is normally $7.99, but it was on sale with the Kroger card for $5.99! Score!! Yum! I told Matt it's like heaven in a cup;)

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!

Oh and just because my dad is a high school Math teacher....Happy Pi Day!!


  1. I also LOVE trying different coffees! Currently have 3 different ones opened; one from our Costa Rica trip, Starbucks Casi Cielo & 8'oclock. I really like Gevalia as well. Have you tried the Ikea organic coffee? Yummy & great price!

    1. Those all sound so good! I have had 8'oclock before, but it's been awhile, will need to get that one soon! Next time I go to IKEA I will get their coffee! I am due for an IKEA trip pretty soon anyway haha!
