Monday, March 3, 2014


I hope everyone had a great weekend!:) and hope Monday goes by fast;)

The weather was nice again this weekend, so we spent lots of time outside. So ready for Spring!! Here are a few pictures from our weekend:

This is what was in Ethan's Friday folder! I laughed so hard when I first saw it! But, over the weekend he was saying he wants to be the red power ranger when he grows up;) 

Elly is Elsa obsessed (from the movie Frozen) and she asks us to tie the blankets around her to look like the robe Elsa wears. 

Matt made our favorite guacamole on Saturday and I just had to snap a picture of it;) So yummy!! All fresh ingredients:)

Elly and I did matching manicures:)

Ethan and Elly helping us put the groceries in the car after church:)

Baseball, bike riding, bubbles and swing set fun on Sunday:) 

And we're rainy and low 40's today...booo!!!

Thanks for reading:)

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