Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Gloomy Days, Go Away!!

Anyone else ready for some sunshine!?! Holy Moly! I don't know how much more of this overcast I can take! I am so unmotivated when it's like this outside and my house is screaming for me to clean and organize it, again! I do it yet it still manages to get in a wreck with the blink of an eye:) So, I'm thinking if I blog about it, it will motivate me because I just admitted my house is a mess. That usually seems to do the trick;)

So, yesterday I got my hair cut.

This was the cut I was going for...the length...the layers...exactly what I wanted. I took this picture and showed the hairdresser. 


....this is it! I asked her to cut 3 inches off and she cut 6...
Doesn't really look anything like the picture.....

Before and after. The before is all natural...I did nothing at all to my hair. Just brushed it after I washed it and let it air dry. 

Even though it is way shorter than I expected, I love it! It's also pretty much all my natural hair color, too. I haven't put any color in it since Jan. 2013, so pretty much all that was cut off, was the colored hair.  So, despite the gloomy weather...I am still feeling better to get all the extra weight of my hair off:) Now, to get my husband to like it;)

On a side this not so funny?! Elly does this every now and then. She'll lay on the couch with her drink and fall asleep. Hand in armpit...of course;) 

Well, I better go clean my house now!!;)

Have a great day!!

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