Thursday, March 6, 2014

Early Bird

I have always been an early bird, since I can remember. When I was younger, I was always the first in the house to go to bed, but also the first to wake up.

It used to be hard when I was younger when I would have sleepovers with friends because most kids my age slept the exact opposite. It is so awkward waking up in a house that's not yours and not wanting to be in bed anymore, but all your friends are still sleeping haha!

Anyway, I just love waking up early! For the longest time, my alarm has been set to 5:15. I get up and make my hubby coffee, breakfast, and lunch to take to work. When he leaves, I relax and drink my coffee, 15 min later (sometimes not even) one or both of the kids come in the living room to greet me. They are so sweet when they first wake up, and so snuggly, but I really look forward to the peace and quiet of the house while drinking my coffee. I like to be ready and waiting for them to get up.....

.....Some people may have that "me time" late at night when everyone is sleeping, but for me, I like to get up early to have my "me time". I just recently started setting my alarm for 4:30 instead of 5:15 to have a little more time to myself since Ethan and Elly apparently inherited the early bird syndrome and they get up at the crack of dawn, too;) Definitely not going to complain about that. I am hoping it stays like this so we'll never have to be the parents that have to make their teens get out of bed;)

What do you know, here is Ethan:) He woke up around 5:40 and got to talk to daddy before he left for work, now he's sitting with me on the couch:)'s Elly! She woke up around 6:05. Love that we all get to snuggle in the morning before getting ready to take Ethan to school:) 

Have a great day!!

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