Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Ethan's 5th Birthday {Time Flies}

For Ethan's 5th birthday, he asked if he could have a "plane party". I, of course, went to Pinterest immediately. I found some really cute ideas and I was so so excited! I was going to make clouds and planes to hang all around the house, a box plane the kids could get it, plane games and crafts etc. A couple weeks before his birthday, we changed plans and just invited the grandparents over to celebrate due to bad behavior. Since I had already started making the decorations, I still decorated for him. So, this is the simple version of my big plans that I had if he still had his party;)

I went to the same site where I found Elly's banner and printed some for Ethan's. 

 I typed in "plane and helicopters" into google and printed off a template and then cut out a bunch on cardstock paper. I then took white streamers and taped them over the windows in the kitchen and taped the planes and helicopters to them. So, it still looked like they were flying:)

I made a "time flies" banner and I bought a big poster board, painted it blue and made clouds out of cotton balls. I found the wooden plane for I think $.50 at Michael's and used one of the helicopters I cut out on cardstock paper.

So, since it was just going to be the grandparents, I didn't want to spend a lot of money on a cake, so I made one myself;) 

I cut out some cloud shapes and stuck them on toothpicks to look like the plane was in the sky.  I am no cake decorator, but you should see how much I've improved since the first cake I made lol!! 

Elly trying to steal the show;)

Time Flies, Ethan is Five! 

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