Sunday, April 13, 2014


Off for a Birthday lunch with my family! Enjoying my new cup from my friend:)

Matt and Ethan at lunch:)

Elly and me:)

Making my cake with daddy

I got cupcakes AND a cake hehe

outside enjoying some cupcakes

This one will be 25 on the 18th!:)

I had a great day spending my 25th birthday with Matt, Ethan, and Elly! Ethan and Elly were so sweet telling me "Happy Birthday" all throughout the day:)

And, even though I do not have one birthday gift this year is a DOG!!! I have been begging Matt for a dog since we got married probably and he told me we could get one! We went to the animal shelter, but didn't see anything, so we're going to keep looking:) So excited!!!

Have a great Sunday!

After church today (we go to the early service), I am going to be starting my new volunteer job as a children's teacher (2-5 year olds) for the 11:15 service! So nervous and excited!:) 

Have a great day!

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