Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Jumping and Reading!

Spring Break has been off to a great start!
Monday, was not filled with a ton of fun for Ethan and Elly since it was so wet and yucky outside, but I did get a whole lot done around the house and they still got to ride their bikes in the garage lol!

Tuesday I took them to Jumpits and they had a blast! 

Ethan met two other Ethan's while we were there!! One of them he played with pretty much the whole time we were there. He had a twin sister and they were only one month older. Leave it to Ethan to make a friend anywhere we go, no matter what age lol! Their grandma was there with them, so I sat and talked with her while the kids played:) 

Elly had lots of fun, too, and I went and played with her a lot:) Then, Katy Perry came on and she stopped and just sang...the entire song. She sat like this and just sang and didn't care who was watching (which people were watching haha). A lady said she will look for her on American Idol lol! 

We also had lots of outside playtime since it was so nice out:)

Wednesday we met our friends from school at Barnes and Noble for their story time. 
Elly listening to the story

Ethan and his friend Lucas listening to the story

Coloring after the story

Tracing with a stencil

Playing with legos at Barnes and Noble!:)

Fountain outside of Barnes and Noble. They all threw pennies in and made wishes:)

Best friends:)

Then back to our house for pizza and cookies

Elly showing off her cookie

Playing outside in the backyard. 

While we were in the back, Elly's friend was taking a walk with her dad and brother and when she saw Elly, she ran in our backyard and played for a little with Elly in the sandbox:)

Ethan and Elly were definitely worn out by the time Lucas and his mom left. Ethan actually walked straight to his room, took his pants off and got in bed and fell asleep haha. Elly layed on the couch and fell asleep shortly after also, so it was a nice quiet time for a little bit:)

Tomorrow we are very excited to be spending the day at our good friend's house and going to have an Easter Egg hunt!! 

Thanks for reading!!

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