Monday, April 7, 2014

A Little Randomness, A Lot of Love!

Hello Monday....hello Spring Break!!:) 
Yes, Ethan is on Spring Break this week and I am SO excited!! We have no plans to go out of town or anything, but I am just so excited for him to be home with us! 
So, I fully anticipated that today would be an indoor day because it is pouring down rain and thunderstorms right now and will be most of the day.  That is why I did the grocery shopping yesterday;) I thought that one through lol! How fun would that have been to go grocery shopping in a thunderstorm with two kids;) (It's not, I've had to do it before!!)

So, last Wednesday, I wasn't able to take Ethan to school due to a car issue. So, this is Ethan and Elly enjoying the back yard together that morning and me enjoying some coffee on the patio for the first time this Spring;) (I like how the clouds are reflected on the coffee and table!)

Matt fixing my car;) 

Elly in the back yard:)

Neighbor friends are starting to come out more often since it's getting warmer;)

On Friday after school, while Elly had fallen alseep, Ethan gave me a gun and asked if I would be the bad guy and he would be the good guy. He was hiding behind the corner and I was hiding behind the counter. I stuck my phone up there to snap a picture of him as he came out to shoot me real quick:)

Saturday morning, Matt took Ethan to the Home Depot for the Kids Workshop. He was so cute when he got home, showing off his birdbath/bird feeder and his cool apron:)

He also brought Elly a cow from her favorite place, "Chick-A-Lay" lol

Saturday we just spent the day playing outside and doing yard work.....

Next project...extending the patio...And still trying to figure out if my vines are going to make it! I think the freeze really got to them this Winter!:(
Sunday afternoon, after church and shopping, I was outside with Ethan and Elly and they kept bringing me the dandelions. I went inside and got them each a ziplock bag and told them to put as many in their bags as they could haha! I remember doing that when I was a kid, too:)  They had so much fun running around the yard filling their bags:)

Lately, they have been getting really creative with playing. They, for the most part, play really well together and sometimes I just sit there smiling at them because it makes me so happy:) Elly lined two chairs up and said it was a plane. So, she was the pilot and Ethan was the wings lol! One time, she lined all four chairs up and pretended like it was a bus, she even put stuffed animals on it for passengers lol! 

Thanks for reading:)
Have a great day!!

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