Friday, April 18, 2014

Eggs Are Dropping!!

Yesterday, Ethan's class had an "Egg Drop". Each student needed to make something to put a raw egg in and they dropped the eggs from the second story to see if they could keep them from breaking. Elly and I went in to watch the class:)

Making his egg project. He used a Tupperware container with makeup sponges and cotton balls. 

In line to go outside to see if his egg would break or survive:)

Outside before the egg drop.

Elly really likes this girl in Ethan's class. She plays and talks to her everyday when we go to his class:)

His egg survived!!:)

8 out of 18 students who's eggs survived:)

Lunch time 

Elly at lunch....growing up too fast!!

I took a video of Ethan dropping the egg and kid break dances! I cannot figure out how to upload the videos, but it was pretty awesome! haha!

Have a great day!!

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