Thursday, April 10, 2014

Play Date/Birthday: Part 1

We had such a fun day today!
Ethan, Elly, and I went over to our good friends' house for our annual Easter Egg Hunt play date;) Well, we started the tradition last year, but we wanted to do it again:)

This year we celebrated it the day before my birthday, so along with the cute cross pretzels, peeps, and bunny/flower cookies for Easter, she also made me such a sweet birthday cake!! It was so yummy:) 

Me with Amy's daughter, Morgan! I have known her since she was 2 months old:) So sweet! Looking at the gift she gave me!:)

Ethan took a picture of Amy and me holding up my new "K" cup! Love it!!

And, since Ethan had my phone to take that picture above, when I was looking through my pictures, I found this! hahaha!!

Wasn't that SO sweet!! I am so blessed to have such a sweet friend:)

Sweet and gorgeous;)

Ok, and the tiara is Elly's haha. I put it on while the kids sang to me:)

Getting some love for some cuties:) Missing Landen, he was taking a nap!

We had so much fun, like we always do! I have more pictures for Part 2, so stay tuned! lol....

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