Tuesday, April 1, 2014

It's April!!

I love this month!! Maybe because Matt and I both have birthday's and it's just so fun! And, today is my favorite...April Fool's Day!:)

For Christmas, Ethan made us a 2014 calendar and every month has a picture he made with his hands..so sweet!! I love this one with the rainbow:)

So, I texted Matt this morning telling him I wanted another baby and he, of course, didn't fall for it and also responded by saying, "I can't wait to see the tape on the water sprayer when I get home"! haha I seriously do it every year and he NEVER falls for it!! So, I told him I was planning on it, so now that he thinks I'm not going to do it, I totally should and he will have water all over him!!!;) 

Elly and me #teambureaugirls HAHA just a little hashtag I made to annoy Matt;) I text it to him anytime I tell him something about Elly and me lol!!

Elly wanted to be a lion over the weekend. This is what she and Ethan both wore for their first Halloween's. 

She wanted to "scrath" Ethan with the paws lol! 

Those are the only pictures I have from our weekend. Friday after picking Ethan up, we went to Matt's dad's house to hang out and then went to dinner with them.
Saturday was rainy and gross, but Matt had bought two tickets to the USA Rugby game that was at KSU and he took Ethan with him. They only stayed for about 30 min. b/c it was so cold and pouring rain and Sunday we went to church and had a relaxing day playing outside:)
Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Elly said, "I'm all ready to take Ethan to school!" Ummmm...this happens every single morning and some days I just don't care and let her go with what she put on, this day, however, I had her change hahaha!! But, as soon as we got home she put it back on. I can't win;)

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