Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Spring School Pictures:)

Last month, Ethan's school had Spring pictures taken. I was able to take Elly, too, and get her picture taken with Ethan.
Well, they came back yesterday and I definitely had some good laughs. I wanted to share the pictures:)

First, I will start with the Ethan funnies...

I mean...seriously! I cracked up for the longest time looking at these. He looks so awkward and "staged" haha!! 

Here are some cuter ones of him...

Still staged, but cuter than the others:)

The photographer asked if I wanted some of just Elly and I said sure! She was having way too much fun posing:)

She is so ready to go to school:)

side by side...look how much they look alike!!!

Here are some sibling pictures....

My favorite (The one I bought!)

and his class picture...

Ok....so there they are!:)

Have a great day!!

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